The Zen Sleeping Den - why it's vital to wellbeing & how to create yours

If I walked into your bedroom right now, what would I see?

A pile of clothes?   Unused gym equipment collecting dust?  Nightstands overflowing and cluttered with books, glasses, papers, lotions, and more?

Here's the truth - your bedroom is probably THE most important room in your home.   Because your bedroom environment is directly linked to the quality of your sleep...

and getting good, restful, regular deep sleep is essential to your health.   Studies continue to pour in and prove how essential sleep is - it affects how you age, your immunity, your mood, your energy, your focus and SO MUCH MORE!

What you focus on expands, and I always find that giving an area of my home or my life some of my undivided attention, to lavishing it with the utmost care brings about a fresh, new exciting energy and a whole new level of ease, joy and abundance.

Here are my top tips to get you into action and creating  your own ZEN DEN (do these now):

1.  Fold, hang and put away all clothes

2. Clear the clutter.  All of it.  The unused 'never gets sat in' chair in the corner, the gym equipment you don't love, the chaos on your nightstand.

3. Invest in some new, crisp sheets, or fluffy pillows.  Choose the highest quality you can afford (I love organic white linens and there are lots of great options online now) - make sure they feel sumptuous.

4. Clean.  Dust, vacuum and make sure to get the dust bunnies from under the bed. 

5. Let in the fresh air and natural light if you have a window or a door to the outside.

6. Purge any and ALL electronics/things with screens (YES, this includes the TV - it only trains your brain that bed is for watching TV...not for sleeping, and the blue light and positive ions are SO damaging to your health).

7. Bring in only those very few, carefully curated things that you LOVE, that make you instantly feel CALM - like a big EXHALE.  Ideas here include essential oil linen spray, a gorgeous lamp with a dimmer switch, or a plant.

To Zen Dens and Sweet Dreams loves.


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