Building a soul-aligned brand for your creative work

As a creative, I LOVE, well, creating. So, when I founded Minimal + Well years ago, I remember a period of time where I was literally enamored with all of the ‘outward shiny things’. I went deep into the Pinterest rabbit hole curating boards of dreamy images, gorgeous fonts, and swoon-worthy logos.

Definitely a fun and inspiring diversion, but the REAL work to create a heart and soul aligned, wildly successful brand is the deep work to get SUPER CLEAR ON THE VISION, and the very ESSENCE of your business.

THIS foundational work comes from asking key questions like:

  • What do you stand for?

  • What are your absolute non-negotiables?

  • What keeps you up at night?

  • What lights you up?

  • What does success or your vision for the future look like?

  • What allows you to wake each day, excited and ready to share your gifts, your skills, and your products or services with the world?

Once you’re crystal clear and and get that felling of ‘YES, this lights me up, this is why we do the work we do in the world” you know you’re on the right track.

The truth is, wildly successful brands have soul. And, as an entrepreneur, YOU have the choice to authentically, vulnerably share that part of you and your company to the world. To clearly, succinctly, and consistently communicate your true essence with the world. THIS builds CONNECTION - it’s that shared recognition the, ‘oh my gosh me too’ feeling, that heart-and soul centered brands so brilliantly are able to cultivate. This connection becomes a bridge and a bond between your ideal clients, customers and collectors and your products and services.

True connection takes careful thought. It takes clearing the clutter, the confusion and doing the work to build a solid foundation. And, it’s one of the most rewarding things you can do. I love how effortlessly laying this foundation puts you in the advantageous position to share your offerings in a very aligned, authentic way. Brands that fail to do this foundational work end up resorting to the ‘hard sell’ focusing solely on the features of the product or service only - which is no way to build a successful business. Features, nuts, and bolts can be provided by anyone! But your brand, and only YOUR brand can share your unique DNA, mission and passions with the world. And that’s something worth building.

Work + live gorgeously well

xo - Jennifer


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2.) Follow me and feel free to message me with any of your questions about living and working Minimal and Well on Instagram @_minimalandwell. I love connecting with all of you here!

3) Become part of our growing Minimal and Well community on Facebook. We're all about clean, modern, minimal, vibrantly healthy living. This community is an amazing tribe of connected wellness warriors sharing and supporting each other along the journey join here:

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